Pavement Grinding

July 19, 2020
King County Avondale Road

Cover imagePractical Pavement Materials and Characterization

Edited By Hainian Wang, -Ing. Dawei Wang and -Ing. habil. Markus Oeser

Open Access

In Germany, diamond grinding is often familiar with enhance the evenness and skid weight of tangible pavement surfaces. Since diamond grinding was seen to affect tyre/pavement sound emission favourably, the partnership among area texture, tangible structure and noise emission of tangible pavement surfaces happens to be systematically investigated. The simulation system SPERoN was utilized in a parameter research to analyze the key elements which affect noise emission. In line with the outcomes of the simulations, textured concrete surfaces were created by making use of a laboratory milling device. Along with the structure regarding the concrete, the thickness and spacing for the diamond blades were varied. The power associated with the textured surfaces to reduce noise emission had been assessed from the surface characteristics and venting opposition of textured surfaces assessed into the laboratory. It had been discovered that tangible structure and, specifically, the spacing of this blades impacted the reduction in sound emission significantly. The noise emission behavior of several road areas was also considered in field investigations. The pavement surfaces was textured by diamond milling over the past many years or decades. The results reveal that diamond grinding has the capacity to provide great, durable noise-reducing properties. A number of brand new pavement parts had been examined using thicknesses and spacings associated with the blades just like those utilized in the laboratory to optimize noise emission reduction. It's figured diamond grinding is a great replacement for exposed aggregate cement the creation of low-noise pavement surfaces.


  • Concrete pavement;
  • Noise emission;
  • Diamond milling;
  • Surface texture
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